當 Ctrl + F5 或是 Ctrl + Shift +R 沒有用的時候,你可以試試這個!
今天同事分享的,原來很早就有這個功能 "清除快取並強制重新載入" ,我一直都只會用快捷鍵...
1. 按下F12
2. 長壓重新整理按鈕
3. 點擊最後一個 "清除快取並強制重新載入"
"Normal reload" 正常重新載入
The same thing as pressing f5. This will use the cache in every way possible. If the browser can avoid re-downloading JavaScript files, images, text files, etc. then it will.
跟 F5 "重新整理"是相同的,會使用 Cache 資料,JS檔案、圖片、txt檔案都會重複使用。
"Hard reload" 強制重新載入
Don't use anything in the cache when making the request. Force the browser do re-download every JavaScript file, image, text file, etc.
跟我們平常使用的 Ctrl + F5 是一樣的,不使用 Cache 資料,重新載入所有的檔案。
"Empty Cache and Hard Reload" 清除快取並強制重新載入
Obviously if the cache is empty then it will have to do a hard reload. This will again force the browser to re-download everything. However, if the page makes any after-the-fact downloads via JavaScript that weren't part of page load, then these might still use the cache, which is where emptying the cache helps because it makes sure that even these won't use cached files.
跟上面 "強制重新載入" 一樣不使用 Cache 資料,也會重新載入所有的檔案,但多做的一件事就是把先所有的 Cache 資料刪除後再載入。